Estate Planning

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Legacy should not be left to chance. We help you to safeguard your wealth and protect your wishes.

Estate planning is a delicate (and quite often, complicated) exercise. There can be many variables and factors to consider such as blended families, minimising tax, vulnerable beneficiaries or ensuring philanthropic wishes are upheld.

We help you to make sensible decisions and put in place appropriate protections. Our goal is to ensure that your wishes are honoured and that your legacy is protected to the greatest extent possible.

We assist with:

  • Wills including testamentary trust Wills;
  • Powers of Attorney;
  • Advance Health Care Directives;
  • asset protection and structuring;
  • business succession planning and structuring;
  • tax advice; and
  • financial agreements.


We adopt a nuanced approach. We also understand that your circumstances will likely be unique. For this reason, we work hard to understand your needs and objectives.
Our usual process is to:

  • provide you with a clear and transparent fee quote;
  • discuss your requirements, goals and desired outcomes; and
  • tailor a solution with your specific circumstances in mind.

Estate Planning Questionnaire

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