
All Services

Business Dispute Mediation

Mediation can be an excellent way of resolving a business dispute. We help you to strategically undertake mediation, with the intent of securing a swift and sensible outcome.

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Business Partner Disputes

Disputes between business partners can have devastating financial and legal consequences. We help you to navigate this challenging time in a methodical and strategic manner.

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Commercial Lease Disputes

Involved in a dispute relating to a commercial lease? We help you to assert your rights and take decisive action.

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Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Disputes require decisive action. We provide strategic legal advice so that you can make the right decisions and move forward with confidence.

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Employment Disputes

Employment matters can rapidly turn from small issues into big ones. We provide strategic and methodical advice to help employers minimise their risk of irreparable damage.

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Property & Real Estate Disputes

Property and real estate disputes are often high-stakes. We help you to navigate these disputes with confidence.

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Tax Disputes

Facing a dispute with a tax authority? We help you to assert your rights, take decisive action and minimise the consequences.

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