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Asset Protection & Financial Agreements

Financial Agreements are the most effective means of asset protection when entering into a de facto relationship or marriage. Financial Agreements allow couples to opt out of the Court’s jurisdiction to deal with financial matters (either in part or wholly).

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Business Dispute Mediation

Mediation can be an excellent way of resolving a business dispute. We help you to strategically undertake mediation, with the intent of securing a swift and sensible outcome.

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Business Partner Disputes

Disputes between business partners can have devastating financial and legal consequences. We help you to navigate this challenging time in a methodical and strategic manner.

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Business Restructures

Want to change your business structure? There are often several ways. We can help assess and navigate the available options, and implement proposed restructures.

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Capital Raising & Finance

Raising funds can unlock business opportunities. However, the difference between a successful raise and an unsuccessful one can come down to small details. We help you to get it right so that your business can get to the next level.

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Child Support & Adult Maintenance

Child Support can be confusing and at times overwhelming to navigate. We can help you make informed decisions by assisting you with understanding how your child support is determined.

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Commercial Lease Disputes

Involved in a dispute relating to a commercial lease? We help you to assert your rights and take decisive action.

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Commercial Leases

There is little margin for error when it comes to commercial leases. Getting it wrong can cause irreparable damage. Getting it right can set you up for long-term success. We’re here to help.

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Complex Potential Dismissals

A poor performing or misbehaving employee can cause significant issues for employers. However, failure to adopt a methodical approach to their dismissal can make a bad situation even worse. Getting advice upfront on how to manage the dismissal strategically is the antidote.

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Contract Preparation & Review

A contract is the ultimate way of safeguarding yourself against risk. However, the devil is in the detail and a small handful of words (or an absence of those words) can create significant consequences. We will help you to protect what matters.

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Corporate Insolvency

When facing financial distress, the right strategic moves are crucial for survival and future prosperity.

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Digital Asset Management

The digital age has brought a new set of challenges for estate planning. Our team of experienced lawyers can help you to manage your digital assets, ensuring that your online presence and digital wealth are appropriately managed and distributed according to your wishes.

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Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Disputes require decisive action. We provide strategic legal advice so that you can make the right decisions and move forward with confidence.

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Obtaining a Divorce Order is separate from a financial settlement; it is the official dissolution of your marriage. The process of an application for a Divorce Order can seem a daunting task. There are strict time limits for property settlements following a divorce, so it is important to seek specialist advice.

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Employment Disputes

Employment matters can rapidly turn from small issues into big ones. We provide strategic and methodical advice to help employers minimise their risk of irreparable damage.

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Estate Disputes and Will Challenges

Our team are Estate and Will dispute specialists. We can help you to understand your rights and options, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

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Estate Planning

Legacy should not be left to chance. We help you to safeguard your wealth and protect your wishes.

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Family & Relationship Law

Family law is an area which impacts most people, either directly or indirectly, at some stage in their lives. We are mindful of the emotional impact of family law matters and we deliver fully integrated practical solutions to our clients. We are focused on resolving issues in an empathetic, timely and commercial manner.

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Family Violence & Intervention Orders

Family violence is a very serious issue. A family violence order can help protect family violence victims and those who are at risk of family violence.

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Franchising is complex and heavily regulated. We will help you to avoid the legal traps.

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Guardianship and Capacity Disputes

Disputes can arise over whether a loved one has capacity to make decisions for themselves, and who (if anyone) should be empowered to make decisions on their behalf. Our specialist team can help you to navigate these sensitive issues in delicate manner.

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Parenting Arrangements

Negotiating children’s arrangements is often the most difficult and painful aspect of any separation. All matters relating to children require care and sensitivity. Our family lawyers strive to alleviate the stress these matters can cause by taking a considered, easy to understand and child-centred approach to help guide you through this process.

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Personal Insolvency

Giving accurate and prudent advice in relation to personal insolvency requires expertise, precision, and a deep understanding of the law.

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Probate and Estate Administration

The death of a loved one can be a difficult time. It can be even more complicated with assets both in Australia and overseas or a blended or vulnerable beneficiaries. We help you to fulfill your duties as an executor or administrator in a timely, orderly and dignified manner. We assist you from the first step (understanding what is the Estate), through to obtaining the grant, to administering and then distributing the Estate.

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Property & Financial Matters (Married & De Facto)

Separating finances following separation can be complicated. We will help you understand the process and plan your financial future.

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Property & Real Estate Disputes

Property and real estate disputes are often high-stakes. We help you to navigate these disputes with confidence.

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Property Development

Property development can be lucrative if done correctly. However, there are an abundance of potential issues that can arise. Our team work tirelessly to protect your rights and safeguard the success of your project.

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Restraint of Trade

Restraints of trade are a complex and high-risk area of law. The wording of a restraint of trade clause can make or break a business or a career. The importance of getting it right cannot be overstated.

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Restructures & Redundancy

Downsizing? Upsizing? Transferring employees? Getting advice when making changes to your workforce can make the difference between seizing an opportunity now and creating a significant legal issue for the future.

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Restructuring & Asset Protection

Restructuring and asset protection are not just about surviving the tough times but are essential strategies for safeguarding your business and securing your financial future.

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Shareholders Agreements & Unitholder Agreements

In business with others? Bringing in a new co-owner? Get an appropriate contract in place to protect the business and its owners. Otherwise, you may regret gambling on your ability to predict the future.

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Spousal Maintenance

Understanding your rights and entitlements to, or obligations to pay, spousal maintenance following separation is important.

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State Taxes

State taxes are prevalent. We help you to understand the tax landscape, reduce risk and move forward with certainty.

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Tax Advice

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the Income Tax.” (Albert Einstein). We advise on all complex tax issues concerning private businesses, family groups and high net-worth individuals.

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Tax Disputes

Facing a dispute with a tax authority? We help you to assert your rights, take decisive action and minimise the consequences.

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Tax Residency

Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes? You don't need to be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident to be considered a tax resident. We advise on tax residency and its implications for inbound and outbound individuals.

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Tax-Effective Estate Planning and Taxation of Deceased Estates

Tax-effective estate planning and the taxation of deceased estates (including testamentary trusts) can be complex. Our specialist team will help you to optimise after-tax outcomes and gain clarity on the tax implications so that you can make informed decisions.

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Transaction Structuring

About to do a significant transaction? Poor deal structuring can lead to a bigger than necessary tax bill. We help you to structure deals tax-effectively and avoid regret.

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Transactions (sale of business or assets)

Transactions can be exciting, but it can be easy to fall into legal traps. We help you to navigate the transaction and achieve the best possible commercial outcome.

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Trust Disputes and Advice

Involved in a trust dispute? We have one of the leading trust dispute teams in Australia. So, you have come to the right place.

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Trusts are commonly used as a vehicle for private family groups, businesses and investment purposes. We help you to realise the opportunities and navigate the risks.

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